
Again, I chose something with lots of repetition, to see how I would do that. I lost concentration towards the end and the shape of the last teeth isn’t quite right. It’s better than my hair brush drawing, though. I just have to keep looking and not get lulled into drawing the same shapes without checking if they are right.


Kiwi fruit with ink

I added a wash of sepia ink but it was hard to keep an even tone. The paper varied in how it absorbed the ink. Still, adding texture marks distracted from that and even made it look arty.

Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit

I tried to darken the line to indictae tone, with no great success. Need to work on getting smoother lines – have a less cluttered workspace, perhaps, so my arm and hand can move freer.

Kiwi fruit


Keep forgetting to use a darker pencil! Need to keep spending more time getting the bacic dimensions and angles right.

Rushed the central insignia due to children fighting.


A rabbit (after Durer)

I’ve emphasised the outline here more than Durer because I was worried it wouldn’t show in the scan. In fact it’s too heavy and takes away from the texture a bit. It’s the hairs sticking out that should predominate.

A sketch in a field

I did this quickly whilst waiting for the children’s riding lesson to finish. I was standing with a small sketchpad, so it was hard to keep the lines straight. I wonder how people do that. Again, the scan has missed some of the lines. I’ll have to use a darker pencil.

House and telegraph pole

After Durer

A clean, meticulous drawing. It must have taken a long time to do the whole sketch. I’ve only done a small corner. I wonder if he did it all on the spot.

I notice now that I got the angle of the tower wrong. I have to be careful to get the basic shapes right before filling them in.

Old tower