A bell

I can’t find my old 2B pencil so I’m using another one, which is much more smudgy. Perhaps it’s got more carbon in. It gives a rougher look.

A bell


I didn’t look at this closely when I started this. I should have looked closely at the leaf serrations, and drawn them like I did in the top right of the drawing. This would have given me a better idea of the shape of the edges so when I drew them they would be more accurate.


A boot

Again, one drawn in the holiday lodge, North Yorkshire. I was half way through when Emily walked past and accidentally kicked the boot across the room. I’m not sure if I put it back at the same angle!


Plastic forsythia

A vase in a holiday lodge. The light was dim and I couldn’t see it properly, so I had to make parts up. But perhaps the poor lights in the lodge were like candlelight in the old days. Artists like Gainsborough painted by candle light – perhaps they had to make part of their pictures up.

Vase of flowers